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Access to Information

The LGMA is committed to providing easy access to information.

You will find a range of LGMA corporate documents, including our annual reports in the Publications section.

Find out more about how you can access LGMA information in the relevant sections below. 

Provision of information to members of the Oireachtas

The LGMA maintains a dedicated email address for Oireachtas members. TDs and Senators seeking formation should contact oireachtasmemberqueries@lgma.ie.

The LGMA will acknowledge all queries from members of the Oireachtas within three working days. Acknowledgements will include contact details for the official dealing with the query. All queries will be dealt with as quickly as possible and a response will be issued no later than 15 working days after the query is received

Protected disclosures

The LGMA is committed to ensuring that the culture and work environment are such that any employee/worker is encouraged and supported to report on any issue that may impact adversely on the Agency’s ability to deliver a high quality service and to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoing and the protection of an employee/worker(s) who make such disclosures.

Each public body is required to publish an annual report setting out the number of protected disclosures received in the preceding year and the action taken (if any). This report must not result in persons making disclosures being identifiable.

Protected disclosures annual reports published by the LGMA are available here.

Data protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives individuals the right to request a copy of any of their personal data held by the LGMA.

The LGMA maintains a dedicated email address for data protection queries. If you have a query, please contact dataprotection@lgma.ie.

LGMA financial information

The LGMA is committed to publishing a summary report of all purchase orders raised for goods and services in excess of €20,000 (ex. VAT). Details available here are published quarterly in arrears .

The LGMA also publishes quarterly reports on prompt payments. You can find that information here

Freedom of Information

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2014, anyone is entitled to apply to the Local Government Management Agency for access to information that is held by it and not otherwise publicly available.

Applications for information under the Freedom of Information Act should be addressed to:

Freedom of Information Officer,
Local Government Management Agency
35-39 Usher’s Quay,
Dublin 8
D08 XKP7

Phone 01 6332200
Email foi@lgma.ie

Applications must be in writing and should indicate that the information is sought under the Freedom of Information Act. The Local Government Management Agency is obliged to respond to the request within four weeks. Requests are due to be acknowledged within two weeks.

You can ask for any of the following:

  • Any records relating to you personally, whenever created
  • All other records created after the effective date

In order to allow FOI bodies to properly conduct their business, it will sometimes be necessary to exempt from release, certain types of information in some circumstances. These are set out in the Act.


No fee applies when making an FOI request.

Fees are applied in respect of the time spent searching and retrieving records that are released to you and in respect of copying of such records. Section 27 of the Act sets out the elements of search and retrieval which may be charged for.

Rights of review and appeal

If you are not satisfied with the decision on an FOI request, you may appeal to the LGMA for an ‘internal review’ of the decision. A more senior officer will review your application. You will be told the result of this review within three weeks.

Requests for internal review should be submitted in writing to:

Freedom of Information Officer,
Local Government Management Agency
35-39 Usher’s Quay,
Dublin 8.
D08 XKP7

Email foi@lgma.ie

A fee of €30 must accompany an application for internal review of a decision of a public body. A reduced fee of €10 applies if you are covered by a medical card. There is no fee for internal review applications concerning only personal information relating to oneself or in relation to a decision to impose a fee or deposit.

If you are not satisfied with the decision on “internal review”, you may ask the Information Commissioner to review the matter.

A fee of €50 must accompany most applications for review by the Information Commissioner. A reduced fee of €15 applies if you are covered by a medical card or in relation to a review concerning certain third party information. There is no fee for review applications concerning only personal information relating to oneself or in relation to decisions to impose fees or deposits.

Appeals in writing may be made to the Information Commissioner at the following address:

Officer of the Information Commissioner,
18 Lower Leeson Street,
Dublin 2.

Phone (01) 639 5689 or Lo-Call 1890 22 30 30
Fax (01) 661 0570
Web www.oic.ie

His or her findings will be binding, subject to appeal to the High Court on a point of law.

Full information on Freedom of Information including FAQs in relation to making a request, fees, and appeals is available at https://foi.gov.ie/

Information on the environment

Applications for access to information on the environment should be made to:

FOI Officer
Local Government Management Agency,
35-39 Usher’s Quay,
Dublin 8, D08 XKP7

When making a request for information under the Access to Information on the Environment Regulations you are required to:

  • state that the application is being made under the AIE Regulations and submit it in writing or electronic form foi@lgma.ie.
  • provide your contact details,
  • state, in terms that are as specific as possible, the environmental information required, and specify the form and manner of access desired.

Access to Information on the Environment Application Form

Normally you will be notified of the decision on your request within one month of its receipt.

What can I do if I am unhappy with a decision on my request?

If you consider that your original request for environmental information was refused wholly or partially, or was otherwise not properly dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the AIE Regulations, you may, not later than one month following the receipt of the decision from the LGMA, request that the LGMA carry out an internal review of the decision in part or in whole.

No fee will be charged for the internal review process.

A written outcome of the review informing you of the decision, the reason for the decision and advising you of your right of appeal to the Commissioner for Environmental Information, including the time limits and fees associated with such an appeal, will be issued to you within one month of the date of receipt of the request.


As provided for in the AIE Regulations, there is no initial fee required when lodging a request for information under AIE to the LGMA. A public authority may however, charge a reasonable fee for supplying environmental information in accordance with the Regulations.

The LGMA has set these fees as follows:

  • If an applicant requires hard copies, there may be a fee of €0.04 per sheet depending on the volume of information contained in the request.
  • Details of charges, if any, will be advised in the final decision letter.
  • If you have any queries, the Information Officer can be contacted by telephone at 01 633 2200 or emailed FOI@lgma.ie.